Does God Want A Relationship With Me?
“The rest of mankind, who were not killed by these plagues, did not repent of the works of their hands nor give up worshiping demons and idols of gold and silver and bronze and stone and wood, which cannot see or hear or walk.”
Revelation 9:20
Does God want a relationship with me? This is a burning question in our hearts. I believe that there is a burning desire inside of us to be in relationship or in community, but specifically we yearn to be in relationship with God.
We are all lonely and we are seeking some sort of companionship. Many people seek to fill this hole with other relationships. I’ve seen men and women go from boyfriend to boyfriend or girlfriend to girlfriend searching for someone to fill that hole of loneliness, but it never gets filled. Some try to fill this hole with their job or career. They spend all of their time devoted to a company only to find out in the end, their work was in vain.
In the book of Revelation, we see that plagues wipe out a third of mankind and yet, those that are left will not turn to God. This really gives us a view into our hearts. Even in the face of death and destruction, we are searching for something to fill that hole other than God.
In our passage above, it says people will not turn from worshipping demons and idols. Atheists and other non-spiritual people would not agree that they are worshipping demons or idols. They think they are not worshipping anything, but that is where the lie is found. It is a lie to believe that just because you are not worshipping the one true God that you are not worshipping anything.
You were created for worship. You were created with this hole in your heart that demands that you worship. The question is who or what will you worship? Will you worship something you have created? Will you worship a demon who promises you wealth and satisfaction or will you worship the God who created you?
Many people choose to worship idols that have no real power. They are not living at all. They cannot see, hear or walk, the Apostle John says. Yet, people choose to worship these idols of over God. Why do they do this? Because that hole inside of them exists and it demands attention. It demands that you worship something. You were created for worship.
Why does this hole exist in the first place? God created this hole in us, this holy desire or longing for true relationship, but we are meant to find the answer to it only in Him. When we search for the cure to it in other places, we are only left wanting.
So does God want a relationship with you? Absolutely. He longs to be in a relationship with his creation. He loves the people that he has created and he wants to fill that longing found deep inside their soul. So today, if you hear his voice calling to you, turn to Him and repent. Put your trust in him and forsake the demons and idols you have been worshiping.
Prayer - Father, I turn to you. I know I have a proclivity to worship other things. I repent and return to you. I want you to fill that longing in my soul for relationship. I want you to be the center of my life. Thank you for saving me and bringing me into right relationship with you. Amen.
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