Like Chaff in the Wind
"The wicked are not so, but are like chaff that the wind drives away." - Psalm 1:4
Bob Dylan sang a song many years ago and asked a multitude of questions, like how many roads must a man walk down before you can call him a man? Dylan says the answer to life's questions was blowing in the wind. He evidently realized these were questions that you may ask and never get an answer.
In the Bible, we see lots of wind analogies. God's spirit, is often described as the wind. Jesus says you don't know where it comes from or where it's going, just like the wind. I've always found this interesting considering most of us like to have formulas as to how to live our lives, yet the Spirit doesn't operate by formulas. He just goes where He wishes and where He comes from, no one quite knows. It's a mystery, which is basically the same realization that Bob Dylan finds.
But the Bible is clear about this, those that are wicked, those that have not put their trust in Jesus do have a clear destination and they will be sifted just like wheat and chaff are winnowed. The heavier wheat is left behind while the chaff blows away with the breeze. The Apostle Paul says something similar in his letter to the church in Ephesus. He says that when we become mature in Christ, "we will no longer be infants, tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of people in their deceitful scheming." (Eph 4:14)
Maturity brings surety. When you grow into maturity in Christ, you become more sure. Mysteries of the faith start to become much clearer. The wind isn't confusing, but welcomed. Paul says that God gave us apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers to help build us up into mature believers. The Psalmist says that we are like trees planted by streams of water. All of these things point us toward our need for continued growth. As a Christian, we don't stop growing. We are constantly changing and growing closer to Jesus.
The contrast here is poignant. The Psalmist implies that mature believers are to be planted, while the wicked will be blown away. The wicked aren't grounded. They aren't planted, but are constantly looking for the next big thing. Mature believers meanwhile are content. They have found the source of life and have no reason to chase anything else. The wind has no affect on him. In other words, to change up Dylan's tune, how many roads must a Christian walk down, before we call him mature? The answer my friend is blowing in the wind.
Prayer - Father, thank you for allowing me to grown and mature in you. I am thankful that this is a process and that you help me along this road. Lord, please help me in the areas where I am immature and need more guidance. I do not want to be tossed about by every wind of doctrine, but I long to be planted by the river of life. Amen.
Bob Dylan sang a song many years ago and asked a multitude of questions, like how many roads must a man walk down before you can call him a man? Dylan says the answer to life's questions was blowing in the wind. He evidently realized these were questions that you may ask and never get an answer.
In the Bible, we see lots of wind analogies. God's spirit, is often described as the wind. Jesus says you don't know where it comes from or where it's going, just like the wind. I've always found this interesting considering most of us like to have formulas as to how to live our lives, yet the Spirit doesn't operate by formulas. He just goes where He wishes and where He comes from, no one quite knows. It's a mystery, which is basically the same realization that Bob Dylan finds.
But the Bible is clear about this, those that are wicked, those that have not put their trust in Jesus do have a clear destination and they will be sifted just like wheat and chaff are winnowed. The heavier wheat is left behind while the chaff blows away with the breeze. The Apostle Paul says something similar in his letter to the church in Ephesus. He says that when we become mature in Christ, "we will no longer be infants, tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of people in their deceitful scheming." (Eph 4:14)
Maturity brings surety. When you grow into maturity in Christ, you become more sure. Mysteries of the faith start to become much clearer. The wind isn't confusing, but welcomed. Paul says that God gave us apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers to help build us up into mature believers. The Psalmist says that we are like trees planted by streams of water. All of these things point us toward our need for continued growth. As a Christian, we don't stop growing. We are constantly changing and growing closer to Jesus.
The contrast here is poignant. The Psalmist implies that mature believers are to be planted, while the wicked will be blown away. The wicked aren't grounded. They aren't planted, but are constantly looking for the next big thing. Mature believers meanwhile are content. They have found the source of life and have no reason to chase anything else. The wind has no affect on him. In other words, to change up Dylan's tune, how many roads must a Christian walk down, before we call him mature? The answer my friend is blowing in the wind.
Prayer - Father, thank you for allowing me to grown and mature in you. I am thankful that this is a process and that you help me along this road. Lord, please help me in the areas where I am immature and need more guidance. I do not want to be tossed about by every wind of doctrine, but I long to be planted by the river of life. Amen.
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