Planted By The River of Life
"He is like a tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither. In all that he does, he prospers." Psalm 1:3
Imagine that you were trying to plant something in a desert. Where would you go to start a garden? You most certainly wouldn't do that on top of a sand dune. No, you would look for a reliable water source. In order for plants to thrive, you must have water and so it is with us. If we are to thrive, we need a spiritual water source.
Throughout Scripture you see the Holy Spirit described in ways involving water. The Holy Spirit in us is like a river welling up inside of us and flowing out of us (John 7:38-39). In other words, you need to be planted, rooted, dug down deep in the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit brings water to your soul. In this life, the world around us is a desert and too many of us plant ourselves somewhere far away from the Holy Spirit.
Most people struggle to see why this is important. We think we get refreshment from a great many things, but most of those things are actually the things that dry us out. We receive true refreshment from being a community of believers, but too many of us are trying to do this alone. We get our true refreshment from being in His Presence, but too many of us find other things to do instead. Our true refreshment can only be found in Him. All other things are simply distractions.
Prayer - Father, thank you for watering my soul in the midst of a dry and weary land. Thank you for sending the Holy Spirit to bring refreshment to me. Please help me to plant myself near your waters so that my life will be fruitful. Amen.
Imagine that you were trying to plant something in a desert. Where would you go to start a garden? You most certainly wouldn't do that on top of a sand dune. No, you would look for a reliable water source. In order for plants to thrive, you must have water and so it is with us. If we are to thrive, we need a spiritual water source.
Throughout Scripture you see the Holy Spirit described in ways involving water. The Holy Spirit in us is like a river welling up inside of us and flowing out of us (John 7:38-39). In other words, you need to be planted, rooted, dug down deep in the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit brings water to your soul. In this life, the world around us is a desert and too many of us plant ourselves somewhere far away from the Holy Spirit.
Most people struggle to see why this is important. We think we get refreshment from a great many things, but most of those things are actually the things that dry us out. We receive true refreshment from being a community of believers, but too many of us are trying to do this alone. We get our true refreshment from being in His Presence, but too many of us find other things to do instead. Our true refreshment can only be found in Him. All other things are simply distractions.
Prayer - Father, thank you for watering my soul in the midst of a dry and weary land. Thank you for sending the Holy Spirit to bring refreshment to me. Please help me to plant myself near your waters so that my life will be fruitful. Amen.
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