Father & Son
"I will tell of the decree: The Lord said to me, “You are my Son; today I have begotten you." Psalm 2:7
The Bible is really a story about family. Jesus made that abundantly clear when he encouraged his disciples to pray, "our Father, who art in heaven..." The message was clear. God is a father. And not just that he is a father, but that we are his children. We are sons and daughters of the king.
This passage is one of many Old Testament references to that idea. Here is God telling King David that he is his son. He's expressing himself in familial language. He wants David to understand that he is apart of something much bigger than himself. This has to do with generational blessings and inheritance in some sense. In the next verse, it confirms that, but the key is understanding the difference in relationship - God wanted David to relate to him in a certain way, the way a son relates to his father.
The beauty of being a parent is that this language has a lot of meaning. When I contemplate my relationship with my children, I get a small glimpse of the relationship that God wants to have with me. Now, all of us know that earthly fathers are broken examples of what God truly wants, but it gives us an idea of what it should look like.
We can cast away the thoughts that God doesn't hear us, that he's far away, that he's uninterested in our lives and we can replace them with the truth that says that he is near, he is always interested in us, that he hears our cries. In Revelation we are told that God himself will wipe away all of our tears. What an image! Our tears, our heartache and our suffering doesn't go unnoticed by Him! We are his children!
Prayer - Father, help me to walk in the knowledge that you are with me, that you love me and that you are my comfort. Help me to trust that you are there even when you feel far away. Thank you for adopting me into your family and truly loving me.
The Bible is really a story about family. Jesus made that abundantly clear when he encouraged his disciples to pray, "our Father, who art in heaven..." The message was clear. God is a father. And not just that he is a father, but that we are his children. We are sons and daughters of the king.
This passage is one of many Old Testament references to that idea. Here is God telling King David that he is his son. He's expressing himself in familial language. He wants David to understand that he is apart of something much bigger than himself. This has to do with generational blessings and inheritance in some sense. In the next verse, it confirms that, but the key is understanding the difference in relationship - God wanted David to relate to him in a certain way, the way a son relates to his father.
The beauty of being a parent is that this language has a lot of meaning. When I contemplate my relationship with my children, I get a small glimpse of the relationship that God wants to have with me. Now, all of us know that earthly fathers are broken examples of what God truly wants, but it gives us an idea of what it should look like.
We can cast away the thoughts that God doesn't hear us, that he's far away, that he's uninterested in our lives and we can replace them with the truth that says that he is near, he is always interested in us, that he hears our cries. In Revelation we are told that God himself will wipe away all of our tears. What an image! Our tears, our heartache and our suffering doesn't go unnoticed by Him! We are his children!
Prayer - Father, help me to walk in the knowledge that you are with me, that you love me and that you are my comfort. Help me to trust that you are there even when you feel far away. Thank you for adopting me into your family and truly loving me.
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