Fruitful Marriages Make Peaceful Homes
The famous Anglican Bishop J.C. Ryle said that “peace without truth is a false peace” and in this sermon, we are going to confront this idea of false peace head on. God wants to eliminate the false peace that exists in most of our homes and bring a true peace to them.
Ephesians 4:1-3, Ephesians 5:22-33, Matthew 5:9
What does false peace look like?
• False peace is seeing a problem in your relationships and not saying anything.
• False peace is avoiding conflict in order to maintain a semblance of peace.
• False peace is lying about what is really going on in your marriage or family and in your heart so that you don’t upset your spouse or family member.
• If there are subjects you can’t discuss in your home, that’s a false peace.
•If there are issues that you don’t dare bring up, that’s a false peace.